These points highlight Lio2’s commitment to providing reliable and accurate information to its audience.

We Commitment to Accuracy:

  1. Scrutinize claims: We question everything, including assumptions and conventional wisdom, to ensure all information is thoroughly investigated.
  2. Strive for “due accuracy”: This means accuracy is appropriate for the content, considering the subject matter and evidence available.
  3. Source information carefully: All stories are well-sourced, based on evidence, and avoid speculation.
  4. Respect ethical journalism: We never plagiarize, distort facts, or present false information, including visuals.
  5. Verify claims: We seek independent verification, especially for claims made by officials or those with potential biases.
  6. Correct errors promptly: We stand by our information, but if an error is found, we correct it quickly and transparently.
  7. Offer opportunity for corrections: Readers can easily report inaccuracies through our “Suggest A Correction” section.
  8. Multi-level fact-checking: Experienced editors review stories, with the level of seniority depending on the complexity and urgency of the piece

Our Correction Policies:

We at understand that even with our best efforts, mistakes can sometimes happen. When they do, we take full responsibility for correcting them and ensuring transparency throughout the process. Here’s what you, as a reader, and we, at The [invalid URL removed], can do to maintain accuracy and transparency:

If you spot an error:

  • Contact the editor or writer, immediately via email.
  • Email: [email protected] with the subject “Correction Needed.”
  • Other submissions: Corrections sent directly to other staff members may not be addressed promptly.
  • Include details in your correction:
    • Specify the error itself.
    • Mention the issue date or number and where you saw it (online, etc.)
    • Provide your name and contact information.
    • Include the correct information (and its source, if available).
  • Expect a response: The editor or writer will respond and may contact you for clarification or further information.
  • Please note: Submitting a correction doesn’t guarantee its publication, but it ensures the error will be investigated thoroughly.

How Lio2 handles corrections:

  1. Investigating the error: Once notified, the editor or writer will review all available information, including reader reports, meeting notes, reporter recordings, and other sources.
  2. Issuing the correction: If an error is confirmed, the editor or writer takes action depending on the platform:
    • Website: The article will be corrected with an editor’s note at the bottom explaining the error and the date of correction.
    • Social media: A post linking to the corrected article will be published, acknowledging the mistake.
  3. Informing the reader: Once the correction is made, the editor or writer will personally thank the reader who reported the error and inform them of the steps taken.

We strive to provide accurate and reliable information, and your feedback is valuable in achieving this goal.